Get In Touch
Feel free to fill out the contact form below or call the church office. (717) 761-5121 If we are not available, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

44 W Main Street
Shiremanstown PA 17011
Get Directions
Contact Us
(717) 761-5121
[email protected]
Service Hours
- Sat : 6pm
- Sun : 9am
- Sunday school: 10:30am
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Frequently Asked Questions
What to expect?
St. John’s Lutheran Church has three services. Saturdays at 6pm and Sundays at 8:00am & 10:45am during the regular program year (September- May) with an Adult and Children’s education hour in-between Sunday services at 9:15am. Every Sunday Holy Communion service follows the classic pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. Within this pattern we worship God through various style and genres of music, traditional and contemporary.
When you enter the building, expect to be warmly greeted and handed a bulletin. Ask a greeter if you are in need of assisted listening devices, busy bags for children, nursery or the restroom.
Please come as you are!
Where can I park?
There is a parking lot behind our church building accessible from Green Street and off of Eberly Avenue. Street parking is available on all streets surrounding the church. We have two handicap spots in our parking lot closest to the doors.
How do I use Facilities at the church?
Our church facility serves both as our church home and as a tool for mission and outreach. Our property includes our large sanctuary, parlor, library, and a social hall with a kitchen.
For information on getting married in the church or renting any of the spaces please email or call the office at (717) 761-5121 [email protected].
Is childcare offered during worship?
Children are always welcome to participate in worship. We also provide volunteer childcare during our 10:45am service in our nursery. We encourage you to worship with your children and not worry about disruptions – they are holy to us! There are two location son the side of the sanctuary for children to sit at little tables and play with toys and color.
Who can use the Little Pantry outside the office?
Everyone is invited to take what you need from the Little Pantry. We collect donations from anyone who wants to give to our ministry serving our neighbors in need. We ask that the donations be non-perishable items. Please do not stick items that need to be refrigerated in the pantry.
How do I find out more about the cemetery?
You do not need to be a member to use the St. John’s cemetery. Click here if you are in need of a Pastor, burial, prices and to learn more.
The church parking lot is behind the church building off of Eberly Avenue. Enter the church worship area through the red doors. Our Sunday School classes are in the education building located to the right of the parking lot (across the alley) as you face the church.
Find us with: Google Map

Entry to church from parking lot

Entry to office

Entry to education building
44 W Main Street
Shiremanstown PA 17011
Get Directions
Service Hours
Sat : 6pm
Sun : 9am
Sunday School: 10:30am
Contact Us
(717) 761-5121
[email protected]