Get involved in the ministries of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Regardless of your age, we have a group you can join.

Children and Youth Ministry
Children’s ministry is from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Meeting once a month for bible study, games, snack and crafts! Join Grace Roux and get excited to learn about your faith and grow together!
Youth ministry is from 6th – 12th grade. Youth group meets twice a month for food, bible study, games and more! Service projects are a part of our life together as we serve the church and our wider community. We send our youth to the ELCA National Gathering every three years, as well as attend youth events of the Lower Susquehanna Synod. We have lots of fun learning about God’s love or us and hope you’ll join us too!
Christian Education
Beginning in 7th grade we walk together with our confirmation families as they journey for three years to affirm their faith in 9th or 10th grade. It is an exciting time to see how much our youth change over these important years.
Sunday School
St. John’s offers Sunday School for all ages September through May – from our littlest members in our Hands & Feet Class, to High School to Adults each week. We gather once a month to do a service project Sunday together. We love learning about God’s love for us at whatever age we are!
Vacation Bible School
We partner with The Children’s Garden to offer an amazing VBS each summer. We have arts & crafts, service, STEM, bible stories, music, snack and games! If You’d like to volunteer your time, reach out to our Director of Children and Youth!
Word of Life Wednesdays
Every Wednesday from September to May, join us for a free community meal. It’s an opportunity to mingle with someone new and connect in a deeper way over a meal. Food is served is our Multipurpose room of the Education building from 5-6 pm. It’s a meal designed for children and adults so that we can get to know our Children’s Garden families and connect with all ages.

44 W Main Street
Shiremanstown PA 17011
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Service Hours
Sat : 6pm
Sun : 9am
Sunday School: 10:30am
Contact Us
(717) 761-5121
[email protected]